Science in School

Science in School sammelt Materialien aus den Naturwissenschaften in verschiedenen Sprachen. Sie unterstützen Schulen und stellen ihre Inhalte fast ausschließlich als OER zur Verfügung.
Science in School aims to support teachers in the delivery of their STEM curricula, by connecting them to inspiring, cutting-edge science and technology, in order to foster positive attitudes towards the science that shapes their lives, and attract students to careers in these fields.
The contents include teaching materials and projects in science education, up-to-date information on cutting-edge science, interviews with inspiring scientists and teachers, reviews of books and other resources, and many other useful resources for science teachers. The main language of publication is English, and we aim to provide translations when possible in other European languages.
Science in School makes all articles available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. With very few exceptions, articles in Science in School are published under Creative Commons copyright licences that allow the text to be re-used with varying limitations.
Biologie Mathematik Chemie Physik Astronomie GeografieBildungsebene:
Sekundarstufe I Sekundarstufe II- alles OER
- kostenfrei
- werbefrei
- erweiterte Funktionen mit Anmeldung
- DSGVO unklar
- Barrierefreiheit unklar
- Sprache:
- Anbieter: EIROforum